What's wrong with an altered version of Cannabis?
Nothing, according to GW Pharmaceuticals - a British company pushing for legalization of their marijuana derived oromycosal spray.
But why bother buying the fake stuff when one can just grow and smoke their own?
Q; But why does one have to smoke weed to get the medicinal benefits?
A; Taking a pill orally is not possible when one is inclined to nausea.
(I guess shoving a pill up one's rectum would work, but... .)
But is man's preoccupation with making the perfect solution "better" always wise?
Chewing a willow bark would relieve pain, reduce swelling and prevent clots.
Taking an Aspirin does the same - but also causes gastrointestinal ulcers, stomach bleeding and tinnitus.
It's the altered delivery system and purity of product that causes the problems.
It's just another example of a 'solution' causing a bigger problem.
Like petro-chemical rich fertilizers on our crops.
The new "improved" fertilizers burn through the nutrients in soil.
The way to remedy this is by creating another product to amend the nutrient strapped soil.
But this further dilutes the soil - and inevitably, the quality of our food supply.
The natural solution of cow manure or the resting of the fields was deemed too contrary to maximizing profits.
Now farmers must spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on farm equipment to produce inferior food products while acquiring an ever growing mountain of debt.
How is this "better"?
Or our reliance on steroids and antibiotics in our food production.
Sure the chickens and cows are bigger - but are they as good for us as the meat products of old?
Are we building a resistance to microbes that our bodies used to fight on their own?
And now we are told to wash our hands with anti-bacterial soaps to prevent Swine Flu.
But aren't all soaps already inherently anti-bacterial?
Are we also killing the good bacteria, microbes or germs? (Leaving us susceptible to illness from previously harmless - and possibly beneficial - germs.)
And in doing so (like most of what we call "progress") - has our 'solution' really caused an even bigger problem?
Have you read the warning labels on medicines?
Sometimes the illness seems a better alternative than the cure.