Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Solitaire v. Poker

In the game of solitaire, there are a finite amount of combinations and plays that can determine whether one wins or loses any given game.
Sometimes there are several choices of plays that can be made, all of which will effect the future possibilities of the game.
Sometimes one can play the right card at the right time and still end up losing the game.
But this is the wrong model to use in one's approach to life.

Poker, on the other hand, has even fewer winning combinations but the most winners.
Poker is not a game of cards - but a game of players.
Sure, sometimes people are dealt a straight flush (ace high) that can't be beaten (only tied), but these hands are rare.
Usually, someone is dealt any number of combinations that must be checked, raised, bluffed or folded.
The order and conviction one uses when making these moves have more to do with winning than does one's cards in their hand. (Except in the most extreme case stated above.)

As in life - in poker, knowing an opponent's strengths, weaknesses and tendencies will enable you to exploit these traits to ensure a favorable outcome for yourself.
In poker - it's not the cards dealt but the way in which they are played.

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