Saturday, October 31, 2009

Justified By Money?

Can one's action be justified by the money they earn for doing them?
"But Tyler Perry owns his own studio.", or "His movies make millions" are popular refrains from the Medea creator's supporters.
But is the money earned the only qualifier to determine one's "success"?
What about legality?

Natalie Dylan (above) was perfectly within her rights to sell her virginity at one of Nevada's legal brothels.
Does the one million dollar price paid (Down from an offer of 3.7 million dollars after that man was "convinced" by his wife to pull his offer.) justify her actions?

What about the Afghan Warlords who make 3-5 million dollars a year? (Reuters)
Not only do they make a good living, they also get to influence World policy.
Power and money - would you want that job?

What about being Joaquin-Guzman-Loera?
Would being a billionaire (Forbes) drug dealer be worth it?
Sure, it's not legal - but maybe Cali. will change it's mind and make the man a legitimate businessman.

Not to pick on T.P. too much - but does his money earned really justify his crappy work?

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