Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Why do Black people?

I'm not sure of exactly what to say. During the current Presidential campaign race has become a defining issue- more than the substance of each candidate's policies. "Race is King" seems to have returned to the forefront of the American dialogue. Since I want to be topical, let's start there.
I'm Black, live in Beaumont, Texas,(used to live in Riverside, California) and I'm still becoming acclimated to how inculcated racism is - here in the South. Because "Ebonics" isn't my usual way of speaking, I don't live in "the hood"(though some would argue that all of Beaumont is "the hood", and I know a little about a lot, people often ask me; "Why do/are Black people...".
I'm not the spokesman for all Blacks but i don't think that my life experiences are anomalous either.
Having made this caveat, let me begin with the most common queries.
Q- Why are Black people so loud?
A- Because nobody listens to them.
People who are loud have no credibility. Do you rremember those E.F. Hutton commercials? If people care about what you have to say, they'll strain to hear a whisper in a loud and disruptive environment. Do you notice how children respond to parents who always yell? After a while they learn to block it all out and the parent loses credibility.
Q-Why don't Blacks learn as well as (pick an ethnic group here)?
A- I'm tired and I'll let you know tomorrow.

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