Friday, August 8, 2008

Re: Acting White - Evolution

I tried to post a comment on Acting White;

The thread progressed to whether African Americans (or Africans) were as intellectually evolved as Europeans, Asians or Jews. I tried to ask a question (post a comment) but the site failed to let it go through. No disrespect to Mr. James Collier (the site's author), I'll just post my theses here.

Are Southern Blacks as intelligent as Western or Northern Blacks?
The Western and Northern Blacks' forefathers had enough sense to leave the South and it's hostile environment. The Southern Blacks either didn't have the skills, resources or intellect to leave an obviously oppressive situation.

The Southern Blacks continued to breed between inferior stock producing inferior beings. The Northern or Western Blacks who failed to assimilate were those who held onto their old values or
they were new comers who overwhelmed the established gene pool in those areas.

Northern and Western Blacks seem to assimilate more easily. The Southern Blacks (even down to their dialect) still resemble their slave ancestors.

Since evolution seems to be the direction of the discussion concerning the failings of Black culture, how far back do we need to go to qualify "evolving"?

I'm not stating that this theses as fact. As ridiculous as it sounds. it's just a discussion that I've had with friends. One in which we weren't able to come to a conclusion.

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