Sunday, September 21, 2008

And Let There Be Light

Damn... what a week.
Yeah, hurricanes suck but my abs, glutes, lats and guads are stickin'. Maybe I should have included the post hurricane clean-up workout to my list of good things about hurricanes.

The thing that one will notice is that selfish people are more selfish and generous people are more generous during and after a disaster. I saw people (of all races) who lost everything helping others and people who came through unscathed (of all races) who would hoard free handouts.

After seeing the situations in Galveston, Crystal Beach and High Island - I don't want to hear anything else about how the foolish Blacks in New Orleans should have had enough sense to leave. How they should have known better than to build homes in a dangerous area. How the government should have done more to help. Let me say this again - The people in New Orleans were victims of their own over-reliance on the Government and their inability to take care of their own self interests. Race has nothing to do with foolishness!

I just found out yesterday (a week late, I lost my cell phone for a time) that USC beat Ohio State. The country is being sold to foreign investors and the Government is offering bail out assistance to US banking institutions approaching one TRILLION dollars.

I wanted to give McCain a fair shot at my vote. I was willing to give Palin the benefit of the doubt. I'm not sure that either is up to the task of fixing America's many problems. Palin said nothing of substance in her ABC interview. In fact, she seemed confused when a question wasn't one she was usually asked.

The Book of Revelations seems to be more true prophecy than symbolic poetry. WTF?

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