Friday, March 20, 2009

America's Industrial Gangsta's

Again, 170 million out of 170 BILLION is only 1/1000 of the total loan amount.
Again, it's only like buying a few Chiclets out of a $100 loan.
AIG just went straight up gangsta' with that ish.
(Okay Invisible Hand, I know you would prefer "shit" instead of "ish". "Ish" is just being polite. Would you prefer the pretense of Michel Foucault and have me strike everything and to put it "under erasure"?)

I've never been a fan of Robin Hood.
I never got the concept.
Is the moral of the story; "Don't become rich, someone will come and steal all of your money and give it to poor people"?

I think that this is what is flawed in Obama's plan.
This is why Obama's Budget Plan won't work.
Rich people deserve to be rich.
Poor people deserve to be poor.
Rich people don't deserve to be greedy.
Poor people don't deserve to be oppressed.

I'm a small business owner who may like to become a big business owner.
But how would a 90% tax be any incentive to do this?
I addressed a more workable plan dealing with profitable credit unions (fixing the economy from the middle - out, instead of from the top - down (where too many people have grown accustomed to an instant profit) in an earlier post.
I'm no economist,
But this Robin Hood plan is just effed up.

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