Thursday, August 13, 2009


When Beyonce first hit the scene, she was a petite and pretty light skinned girl with "good hair".
Beyonce was no threat to the interpretation of beauty set forth by the American Standard.
But as the numbers of her group shrank - her hips and thighs began to grow.
But this was like the slow boiling of crabs in a pot.
The increase in heat was slow and unnoticeable.
Then, all of a sudden...Blow!
Ass was "in" for many who had earlier only noticed breasts.
This was a feat that couldn't be pulled off by Janet Jackson almost a generation earlier.
But when done by a lighter skinned girl - the effect was more palatable.
Now, women don't just smile with their mouths - judging by the 3/4 shots from the rear, many just let their butts do the talkin'.

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