Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Summer Diet Sabotages

With the first day of summer right around the corner it’s important that we start thinking of the diet sabotages that will definitely be lurking at our weekend outings. Summer means fun in the sun, but it also means picnics, bbq’s, days at the amusement parks and tropical cocktails.

To be prepared is to be ahead of the game, so make sure you are aware of which foods masquerade as the ultimate summer fun accessories and which foods will help you continue to slip on your summer bikini guilt-free.

Foods you should stay away from…

Ribs, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs and Thick Cut Steaks
Ribs are typically a cook out staple, but buyers beware. Ribs come from the fattiest part of the pig and are therefore high in both fat and calories. Hamburgers can pack up to 750 calories per punch and hot dogs are so high in sodium you might as well snack on a few teaspoons of salt and un-button your shorts before the bloat pops them open. Thick cut steaks are usually sold in cuts that are triple and quadruple healthy serving sizes. If you can’t pass up the steak, make sure you eat a portion no larger then your fist.

Fried Dough, Funnel Cakes and Turkey Legs
Summer is a great time to take the family to the parks, so you must know what you are up against when you get there. Along with Mickey and magic dust there will be many tempting snacks that you would never consider in your normal un-fairytale life. Fried dough and funnel cakes are so high in calories and sugar you will most likely need a nap immediately after consumption. As for the “high protein” turkey legs, they can pack around 1,125 calories per leg..and some Disney insiders tell me they can contain up to 2,000 calories per punch. Either way, plan on not eating the rest of the day if you want to maintain any type of calorie control.

Daiquiris, Margaritas, Mixed Cocktails
A backyard barbeque is not complete without the mixed cocktails. So lets be honest, we all know they aren’t exactly healthy for us, but how bad are they? Well, hold onto your white wine because a daiquiri can contain over 1,000 calories per drink and a Long Island Iced Tea can boast over 500 calories per glass with most of the calories coming from sugar. So the next time one of these drinks looks like summer fun, stick with the light beer or wine and save a days worth of calories.

Foods you should indulge in….

Berries, Oranges and Citrus
Take advantage of the fruits of summer. There are many types of produce that are in season right now. Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, cherries, peaches, melons, tomatoes and apricots are all at their peak of freshness right now and are naturally low in calories and high in antioxidants.

Beans are a healthy, low calorie alternative to red meats and processed proteins. Naturally packed with protein and fiber, they will fill you up, and give you energy without the guilt. Beans are also in season during the summer months, so they are more likely to be available fresh at a reasonable price.

There is nothing better then a tall glass of ice-cold water on a steamy hot day.  Unfortunately, most of us tend to reach for high calorie/high sodium sodas instead. Soda not only packs on the bloat, it also does nothing to quench our thirst. Reach for a glass of water instead of a mixed drink or cocktail and you will increase your body’s ability to burn calories instead of hindering it. Can’t give up the cocktails? Make sure you drink a glass of water for every alcoholic drink and you will stay hydrated throughout the festivities.

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