Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Why You Shouldn't Place Much Stock in "Best Plastic Surgeon" Lists...

Today I saw in my office a very nice patient I had performed a Tummy Tuck on a few months ago. She is very happy with her outcome and experience, and in fact said it was the "best thing I ever did!"

Because she is so happy with her outcome and her experience in our Orlando Plastic Surgery Center, she asked why I had not been included in a recent listing of "Orlando's Best Plastic Surgeons" run by a local magazine.

The simple answer is because I was unwilling to pay to be included.

I have, in fact, participated in a few of these lists of "Best Plastic Surgeons in Orlando", but found that as time passed the distaste I had for the practice grew to the point I was no longer willing to pay for someone to illegitimately provide the imprimatur of credibility and integrity I have earned quite legitimately- by keeping my patients safe and providing top notch plastic surgical care with reliably excellent outcomes.

I think that most reasonable people would agree with me that it is at best disingenuous (and at worst fraudulent) for a local or regional publication to publish lists that purport to educate its readership of the "best" their shared community has to offer- if in fact the majority consideration for inclusion in the list is the ability to pay for the listing.

Is it wrong for health care providers to advertise? No, I don't personally believe that it is... especially in my field. I personally advertise as I think appropriate for my practice's benefit and the education of my patients and community. But I make no attempt to hide the fact that I advertise, or to confuse my audience.

Advertising itself, when ethically and professionally practiced, is a fact of life now...

What I do have a very strong objection to is the practice of deliberately confusing the public by disguising advertising as journalism.

I have met with representatives of several local television stations and magazines, explaining that I believe in the long run they are harming their own credibility and reputations by engaging in this practice, and that I think the magazine and the community would be much better served if "best plastic surgeon in Orlando" lists were created by survey of education/training, peers and patients, and OUTCOMES (nationally AND locally).... But have found these concerns are hard to hear when the bottom line screams much louder.

Having said all of that, there are a few lists that truly do rely on voting, but with few controls... and these outcomes tend to be politicized...

I'm still much more comfortable in my own skin not participating- but hate that there are so many people calling themselves journalists who are comfortable with what I believe to be such an unethical practice.

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