Thursday, February 5, 2009

$2.00 Gas and 50 Cents Stamps

WE have to pay for the stimulus package anyway, so why not start now?

If we raise the tax on each gallon of gasoline so the price of gas is $2.00 per gallon, we could generate 18 billion dollars annually (at 2007 usage levels), according to some sources.
Four dollars seemed to be the tipping point to lower gas usage, so two dollars won't seem so bad.
If the actual price (before the raise) reaches two dollars, we would need a new bill to continue the tax.

Keeping the price falsely inflated would keep alternative fuels as a viable option.
In the long run, it could help US.

If we raise the price of a stamp to fifty cents, it's a nice round number, who will notice?
It's just easier to remember the price of a stamp. What is it now, 42... 43 cents?
Seven extra cents won't break anybody, but it would raise billions for our government.

I know it sounds counter intuitive -
If we raise the prices, we benefit.

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