Sunday, November 23, 2008


Above is a "Thick & Juicy" steak. There is still a little fat, but in all the right places to ensure maximum enjoyment and pleasure.

Above is a picture of FAT. No meat... just fat. This is NOT "Thick", it's just FAT!!!

To anyone familiar with Manuel Uribe of the Discovery Channel, Lymphedema (those big swollen things on the inside of his legs that make Manuel appear as though doing the splits) is not something to be droppin' like it's hot.

I came across these pictures on the blog; "You Know You Dead Azz Wrong". (I blacked-out her face. She may not know that she may have a medical problem)

I can't be sure that this woman is suffering from a Lymphatic ailment but this appears to be the case. I just brought a cousin to the hospital to have such growths (no, not this big) removed (although in the early stages and of the appearance of a large boil.) from her inner thigh. My cousin is diabetic and refused to alter her diet. She's survived breast cancer but it's her life choices and her Southern eating habits that need to be altered.

I'm not picking cotton all day nor plowing fields all day, so I don't need to eat the same diet as my ancestors. I don't need a big woman to protect me. The idea that "bigger is better" may be killing many of us. There is a difference between "Thick" and "Fat" (see above photos).

Anorexia may not be the choice you're seeking but this desire to be "Thick" is not the answer. Beyonce' may have the perfect body for some, others may prefer a Holly Robinson-Peete body type. I'm more concerned with one's fitness level than their weight. (Although I seem to prefer a long and lean physic.)

So when a man says that some black women are too fat, he may just be thinking of the survival of his prospective (or current) wife and children. He may be attuned to some sort of innate survival mechanism alerting him to the dangers of being over-weight.

C'mon ladies, how many of you wish that you were the same size that you were before the kids (or before the gravy and salt-pork meals)?
Tina Budde - thanks for the info.
(P.S. the RSS feed is in black on white)
Paul G (Nojaa) - Thanks for the information.
Siditty - I'm not saying that Black women are fat, but that there is pressure on Black women to be "Thick". The health risks aren't worth it. Hypothyroidism? I didn't know that you'd be assigning homework?

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