Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Who's Hot! Who's Not?

Italic Damn...!
It's finally over.
This has been the longest election cycle in the history of man.
Who benefited and who fell?
George Bush has to be at the Bottom. In fact he is so low on the scale that he only partially makes the cut. Was he so bad that BOTH parties threw him under the bus? Okay, I guess he was.
Right Wing Pundits, including (but not limited to) Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly and Laura Ingraham. How they could state regularly that Sarah Palin was the answer to the Republican Party's problems (and with a straight face and conviction) is beyond me. They're just barely above soon (but not soon enough) to be Former President Bush.
Elizabeth Hasselbeck - The "True Believer" who will probably say how the election was rigged in Obama's favor. I can't make her as low as the other pundits - she actually believes what she is saying.
John McCain - He didn't win the election but he didn't lose any standing either. The old guy just needs a nap and an afternoon buffet and he'll be fine.
Sarah Palin - Her rise is (hopefully) ephemeral.
Tina Fey - Palin lost the campaign but Fey lost an SNL gig. Fey is higher than Palin because at least she knew that she was only pretending to be a viable candidate.
Keith Oberman & Racheal Maddow - I never watch MSNBC, CNBC or even regular NBC. These two came across like kids in the 'hood telling "Yo' Mama" jokes. Harsh on the candidates. Ouch!
Michelle Obama - A redefinition of the First Lady.
Barack HUSSEIN Obama - Number 44!

I should have included John Stewart and Colbert on the list (and in fairly high positions) but I'm tired and forgot.
D.L. and D.A.G. are noticeably absent. Their shows are so bad that I would have to put them below Bush.

What's your list?

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