Thursday, April 16, 2009

Taxed Enough Already ?

Do they even know what they're protesting?
Or did they just want to be part of the scene? Or to be heard? Or were they just mad that the country may be slipping away from the homogeneous few to the multi-geneous many?
Were they protesting Obama's stimulus plan?
Or the popularity of the man?

Were they just recovering from the shock that their fear mongering hyperbole lost much of it's effect (or affect) in the last election cycle?
Or were they upset that some brash new usurper had taken the power that many believed was rightfully theirs to split among themselves, and that Obama even translated his popularity overseas?
Was this "Grass Roots" protest really the result of deposed despots seeking to regain power?
Or were these well informed and concerned citizens exercising their Constitutionally given rights?
It seems that Fat Man Limbaugh and Fox had an agenda - to get Obama to fail.
I'm not a fan of most of Obama's current plans. In fact, I think that most of them are wrongheaded and over-reaching.
But I must ask;
Where was all this righteous indignation during the Bush years? Aren't 95% of the population's taxes lower? How many of those at these rallies made over $250k last year?
What ever happened to "Respecting the Office"? Or is that only applicable when one of the few insiders is in office?
Secede? Hasn't Texas already tried that?
Didn't these people have jobs to be at? Or is this just a question that gets asked at Immigration Reform rallies?
I hate to place race in the context of politics - but in this case, is this just a case of "wrong vs. white"?

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