Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What The Heck, Beck

Most racist people feel as though they have been wronged by society instead of focusing on their own shortcomings.
Glenn Beck's troubled past
is evidence in such a hypothesis.
I'm sure Mr. Beck wished that it was he who;
-was in a stable long-lasting marriage,
-enjoyed a complete Ivy League education,
-had healthy children
-had no addiction to drugs or alcohol,
-and was President of the United States of America.

It's hard to blame a guy whose culture taught him that by playing by all the rules it is you (he) who deserves all that is good in this country, and anyone who disproves this ideology must be a racist.
This is why police officers get offended at having a Black man as their societal superior.
This is why Palin's followers are up in arms over a Black President.
This is why Limbaugh followers are vexed at the idea of any minority group gaining a toe-hold on power.
This is why Fox News survives.

There are still those who assume a sense of superiority predicated on their race alone.
This is why racist whites don't really hate poor Black people. (Poor and undereducated Blacks are not a threat.)
This is why racist whites discriminate against Asians for doing so well on standardized tests. (Asians don't only compete against just the best of other races - they must compete against the best of their own for the few slots at top-tier universities.)
This is why racist whites form militia and claim that their jobs are being taken by simple immigrant workers.
This is why Black celebrities are hated-on as being too ghetto. (They didn't follow the established rules.)
This is why Barack Obama is the most hated Black man in America.

So Mr. Beck - Who is it that has the motivation and symptoms of being a Racist?
(Definitely not he who has consistently overcome the limitations put upon him by a still somewhat racist nation.)

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