Monday, August 16, 2010

7 Ways to Brighten Your Work Day

Perk Up Your Work Day!

Any kind of activity or exercise will help boost your energy to get you through the day.  Even just 20 minutes of aerobic exercise in the morning can improve your energy level for up to12 hours.  Moving around will also help you relieve stress, fight fatigue, get your brain working and blood pumping.  If waking up earlier for a quick jog before work is not for you, try running office errands or taking the long way around the facility to deliver a message in person instead via email. 

Everyone needs a little time for themselves (some more than others!) to clear their minds.  Escaping from your daily routine will refresh your mind making room for new, creative ideas.  Try going for a nice, quiet drive to release stress and get away for a bit.  Or just stepping out of the office for some fresh air and sunshine is a good way to take your mind off your busy day.  Another trick is to decorate your office space with pictures of loved ones to look at once in a while to make you smile!

Believe it or not, many think that certain smells can affect your mood and alertness, and it doesn’t hurt that these scents are also delicious!  Here are a few of the common scents considered to stop fatigue before it starts...
To increase alertness try eating a peppermint or light a pine or citrus scented candle.  Plug-ins or air freshener sprays may be more office friendly!  To improve your focus, go with a cinnamon          scent.  Beware, as this may also cause a sweet tooth!  To wind down at the end of an exhausting work day light a lavender candle or use lavender bubble bath to relieve stress.

When work becomes overwhelming, usually the first thing to go is sleep.  Unfortunately for those who cut back on Zzz’s, an efficient amount of sleep is necessary to make it through the work day.  Getting less than 7-8 hours of sleep can lead to much more than just tired eyes.  Weight gain, rapid signs of aging, depression, anxiety, poor decision making, and a decrease in your immune system are all effects of sleep deprivation. So put down your work and get some rest!

You’re right.  There is a healthier way to stay awake during the day other than guzzling Red Bulls!  In the long run, your body will function more effectively and efficiently on water than energy drinks packed with chemicals (who would’ve thought!).  Also, eating a light snack every 2-3 hours will improve your concentration. Be sure to avoid high sugar or high carb foods that will make you crash after eating.  I recommend fresh fruits and veggies!  

And the #1 rule: Don’t forget to eat breakfast! It’s crowned the most important meal of the day for good reason!  Research shows that if you have two students of equal intelligence and you give one a healthy breakfast and leave the other empty-bellied, the one with a full tummy will outperform the other.  Starving yourself can lead to headaches and exhaustion, but eating just the right amount of good food will make a noticeable difference in your energy and performance level! 

Jokes aside, laughing is scientifically proven to reduce stress hormone levels! So find some form of comic relief during your long day at work, whether it be a funny joke with a co-worker or a silly youtube video.  It will boost your mood and maybe even lift the spirits of those around you too!

Find the time to play after work.  The average person works 8 hours a day and sleeps for 8.5 hours, for the other 7.5 hours left try to dedicate an hour or two to do something you love with those you love.  Making time for friends and family relieves stress and gives you something exciting to look forward to!

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