Monday, February 14, 2011

Nothing New Under the Sun

 Wigga' Please...
Don't act as though a political leader finding a Black woman to be attractive is anything new.
Even though the above image portrays Zipporah as being a little lacking in melanin - Moses had a sista' for a wife.
If much of the West's political philosophy can be traced back to Moses' establishment of a civilization governed by laws - why is anyone surprised that a Western politician would seek to emulate one of his antecedents?
 Mark Antony would probably be thought of as being 'white' today - but was Cleopatra Black?
Well, we have to go back a few centuries....
Back around 721 BCE - Piye had to take control of Egypt from outsiders who where perverting the traditions of the country and empire.
Piye was Black.

While Cleopatra was a decedent of the incestuous Macedonian Ptolemaic dynasty - she probably had a little Black in her past.
By the time of Cleopatra, Black Africans probably added to the genetic mix of the Egyptian elites.
 (Maybe Doris Day would have been a better choice to play Cleopatra than was Elizabeth Taylor.)
 Even the iconic American, Thomas Jefferson, got his swirl on.
 And for a generation hearing the lyrics of Mick Jagger - I bet getting some Brown Sugar seemed awful appealing.
 People often seek status and in doing so most seek that which the establishment deems to be desirable.
Most people desire that which they think they are supposed to desire.
But here's the rub - when one feels as though he is high enough in the prevailing social order, he then decides to seek that which he really desires.
Even if that is Yesha Callahan.

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