Monday, November 1, 2010

Is Hormone Therapy A Potentially Deadly Cure for Menopause Symptoms?

Hot Flashes. Forgetfulness. Night Sweats. Mood Swings and Chocolate Binges. These symptoms might sound like the morning after a good bender – but in reality these indicators are just a few of the common woes that women experience during an utterly confusing and traumatic time of change – MENOPAUSE. 

For years, doctors have used Hormone Replacement Therapy to help treat peri-menopausal symptoms. However, according to a recent article in the New York Times, a new study finds that this treatment may cause the deadly advancement of breast cancer.

Although we’ve known there is a risk for the development of breast cancer with hormone replacement therapy for some time, most doctors were under the impression that the risks were relatively small, and they were not well understood.  The new study suggests not only an increased risk of breast cancer development in patients taking hormone replacement, but also that the cancers experienced by these women are more likely to be aggressive and fatal. Hmmm…

But wait, there is more…Hormone treatments can also cause delays in diagnosis by increasing the density of the breasts, making it harder for tumors to reveal themselves on mammograms. Pretty scary, huh?

If you have already used this type of treatment, don’t panic- it seems the jury is still out and not all in the scientific community are in agreement. In another study of 10,000 women, the data shows that only .0002% additional breast cancer deaths were found per year among those taking hormones. 

So, Where do we go from here? Is it safe to use hormone replacement at all?

It is not known whether there is any length of time for which these hormones can be taken without increasing breast cancer risk. For women who endure unbearable symptoms, doctors are now suggesting the use of short-term hormone therapy with the lowest possible doses to help ease symptoms.

Your best bet is to discuss this carefully with your doctor and educate yourself as much as possible about your risks and options.

While the signs of menopause may seem cruel and tortuous at the time, it’s a part of every woman’s life that thankfully will eventually pass.

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