Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veins Vanish with Sclerotherapy!

Do you loathe the idea of wearing a short skirt or bathing suit due to your leg’s veiny appearance? Well, you are not the only one AND there's no need to feel embarrassed any longer – we have just the solution!

Spider and varicose veins are a common problem, with approximately 50-55% of women experiencing vein problems at some point. So, why does this happen in the first place? There are quite a few factors that may contribute to the frequency of this common problem.

Your veins are the roadway used to carry blood back to the heart. Anything that impedes this return of blood to the heart via the veins in the lower half of the body can cause the vein to enlarge - resulting in unattractive spider and vericose veins.

Like mother, like daughter...
I hate to say it, but sometimes Mother Nature is driving this train. If veiny legs run in your family, chances are you will develop this lovely characteristic too.  Thanks Mom!

Other factors you just can't avoid that may result in these unsightly little suckers are age, pregnancy and hormonal changes with age. 

Sitting or standing for long periods of time also increases your risk.  The movement of your leg muscles helps pump the blood back to your heart -reducing the chances of the blood becoming backed-up.  When you aren't moving the veins have to work extra hard to pump your blood through.  

TIP: If you have a desk job where you work long hours sitting down – un-cross your legs, stand up and move around as much as possible.  If anyone asks what you are doing, tell them you are promoting healthy blood flow to your heart! 

So now that you know why some veins seem to pop out more than others, you are probably wondering what the solution can possibly be? 

A common medical procedure known as Sclerotherapy is just the trick to eliminate small to medium sized unwanted veins.  A small needle is used to inject a liquid chemical into the problem vein, causing the vein's walls to seal shut- stopping the flow of blood.  The vein then turns into scar tissue and after a few weeks will simply fade away.  Larger veins may require a more significant intervention.

Sclerotherapy is very effective when done correctly, and so it is important to go to a highly skilled and trained doctor or nurse to make sure you get the best results.  

Here at Aesthetic Enhancements Plastic Surgery, our Nurse Practitioner – Michelle Boone has over 20 years of experience in the beauty industry. She is among the elite few with the experience and training to have your legs looking sexier than ever in no time! Call today to learn more about Sclerotherapy and schedule your complimentary consultation! 

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