Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dee's Just Jokes Son

Anon. said - "the only problem with laughing at (oneself) is that (ones) enemies are laughing at (them) too. I guess that makes you your own worst enemy."
Pa- lease...
If I say, "White Guy Penis" - what comes to mind?
(No not you brohammas - I'm sure you can tell us many stories about your "White Titanium Phallus of Power".)
If I say, "Asian Booty" - what size and shape comes to mind?
If I say, "Bee-bees", "Dirty Kitchen", or "Naps" - what image do you see in your mind's eye?
If I say, "Italian Female Moustache" - do you know of what I am speaking?
Sometime words are used to better aid in a description which may have been based on stereotypes.

C'mon son... these are just jokes.
Imagine these little girls laughing at Ms Ford because she has "great big tiddie balls and a big round bottom".
How would a grown secure woman take such jokes coming from these harmless little children with their limited experiences and/or perspectives?
It's just amazes me that some people put so much value in the opinions of others - many of whom they don't even know and most of which will have little or no impact on their daily lives.

When "I" state "uglyblackjohn" - I know that looks are subjective,
and that "Black" is an ambiguous term,
and that "John" (my real name) is common.
"Uglyblackjohn" doesn't mean that I'm ugly,
or subjugated,
or oppressed by some mysterious master - only that you don't know me.
It's as though I'm nobody but at the same time I am everybody.
The name should elicit a sense of commonality - not a sense of derision.

Since I don't see "Slave" when you say "Black" - this problem is your own.
If your whole identity is tied to that of being the pitiful perpetual victim - I can't understand that.
If the whole of your well being is tied to what others may think of you - that's something you have to deal with.
(I've moved past this level of low-self worth.)

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