Monday, December 27, 2010

Global Warming

 So you have to wait two days to see Micheal Vick punish the Vikings.
Some argue that the recent blizzards are proof that man-made Global Warming is a myth.
They say that it is too cold for such a theory to be true.
Sure, recent stories which reveal that scientists may have fudged the data to present a more compelling argument don't help - but maybe it was similar to when the police plant evidence to catch a guilty party.
 Maybe Global Warming is the reason we are experiencing more cold weather.
 When orange farmers want to make sure their crops don't freeze, they cover their fruit with a sheet of ice.
The ice acts as insulation to help ensure that the fruit does not reach a temperature below freezing.
(Kind of like an igloo on a snow covered tundra.)
What does this have to do with our colder temperatures?
Think of a glass of ice water.
As the warm water melts the ice - the ice chills the water.
Maybe our melting Polar ice caps are cooling the rest of the planet in the same way.
Maybe our recent cold weather is proof of Global Warming.

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