Thursday, December 2, 2010

Knife Sharpening Hussle

"How much do I get paid?", is a question never asked by my young cousins.
"How can I get paid?", is.
In order to make money for the holidays my young cousins already have a business which owns and hangs Christmas lights and decor on people's houses.
But this past Thanksgiving I bought a new knife sharpener.
Upon seeing this my niece (always the first to think of a new hustle) thought that I should pay her to sharpen all the knives in my house.
She's a bit young to handle cutlery on her own so I helped her with the job.
"I could make money doing this for everyone!", she said.
The thing is, she could - everyone has old dull knives filling a kitchen drawer.
We printed fliers and arranged pick-up dates for my neighbors.
We sharpened the knives (@ $3.00 a pop) and returned each knife with the newly sharpened blades covered in cardboard and two pieces of tape with the name and address written on each.
In one day my niece made $189.00.
Upon seeing this my male cousins decided to expand her operations to include more neighborhoods.

Sure, these kids will probably end up working for someone else - maybe at a job they don't even like - but they will always have the foundation of creating opportunities where others see none.
They may get to the point where they create their own models from which they can create their own businesses with the information learned from these jobs.
My niece bought my knife sharpener from me and now employees her older cousins to do the work.

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