Thursday, February 3, 2011


Maybe the recent spate of natural events is just to give us chance to practice and prepare for an even greater natural disaster looming in our not too distant future.
Maybe the world is warming.
Maybe this can be seen as the Earth having fever and these recent shivers are an attempt to get rid of bacteria (us) which are now doing more harm than good.
Maybe Mother Earth can no longer support and sustain our acquisitive ways and she is seeking to reduce our numbers to more manageable levels.

Okay... that might be a stretch - but as recent weather related events show, many of us are not prepared to function without technology or our current economic system.
Many have become so dependant on the government that they cannot fend for themselves.
(Just look at the results from Hurricane Katrina for evidence of this.)
Many young adults have become so dependent on their parents that they have to live at home well into adulthood.
Many have become so comfortable that they all to easily get sick.
Many have become so accustomed to Google that few actually know anything.
Life has become so convenient that few people actually know how to grow, build, make or repair anything.

If a natural catastrophe hit - would you survive?
No, I'm not talking about living through it (Which often has as much to do with luck as it does with knowledge, resources and preparation.) - I'm asking whether you have enough knowledge to survive without the comforts we have become used to.
Could you grow your own food?
Would you know what plants and bugs to eat?
Can you shoot a gun without wasting bullets?
Can you fight?
Do you know your friends and neighbors well enough that you can form alliances to increase your chances for long term survival?
Can you build, grow or repair anything?
Chances are, you've become so dependent on others that you would be of no use to anyone, not even yourself.

Go through a natural disaster.
No phone, no electricity, no money (Stores and banks close and people value their immediate resources more than a few hundred dollars. Your money can't buy squat.), no running water, no heat, no anything.
You'll have to become McGyver and Grizzly Adams.
You'll have to manage your limited resources and leverage your connections to get you to the point where people again begin to think rationally.
You'll have to use the lessons learned from past eperiences to survive your current situation.
(Back in the day, poor people knew how to be poor. People knew how to make things last. People knew how to get the most out of the least. Poor people could survive anything. These days almost everyone would revert to more atavistic behaviors and kill each other over a warm jacket or a loaf of bread. These days, people have become so selfish that they would eliminate each other leaving only pockets of those who retained any form of civility to rule over them.)

Yeah... it's cold out.
But are you and your children prepared to function if we have a perfect storm of natural and man made catastrophes?
Could you and yours survive the collaspe of civilization as we know it?

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