Saturday, January 31, 2009

Blacks Have Lower IQs ?

Or so says Slate;
The article states that the differences in Standard American IQ tests is genetic.

Average IQ
Jewish American - 113
Asian American - 106
White American - 103
Latino American - 89
African American - 85

But the author also states;
"Remember, these are averages, and all groups overlap. You can't determine an individuals intelligence from her ethnicity.
The only thing that you can reasonably infer is that anyone who presumes to rate your IQ based on the color of your skin is probably dumber than you are"

But the evidence is contradictory.
Slate also notes environmental and cultural variables.
The article asks;
"Why do Blacks in the white-dominated United States score 15 points higher than Blacks in Black-dominated African countries?"
But even this statement seems a bit skewed.
An article in Black Enterprise cites data showing African immigrants having a rate of those holding a bachelors degree or higher that is up to 33% higher than the American average.

According to the Slate article, the lowest IQ averages in the United States show up in the South, where the rate of genetic blending is lowest.

But what do IQ tests measure?
Are they culturally biased?
If the tests were given based on criteria for survival based on a different culture and environment - would the results vary?

Symposium of the Genetics of Early Language Development
By using the acquisition of language (both lexical and syntax) as a measuring tool, researchers noted that genetics had little impact on a child's ability to acquire nouns.
Since verbs have an inherent syntax - the tests yielded different results.
Genetics were shown to have a 35% variance in a child's ability to properly use verbs and in their ability to properly form sentences.
Environment was shown to have minimal impact on vocabulary - but a greater impact on grammar.

The American Journal of Human Genetics
(Diversity of Some Genetic Frequencies in European and Asian Population v. Steep Multi locus Clines)
"Genetic divergences tend to be maximized between populations that are separated by physical factors (mountain ranges and seas) but also separated by cultural barriers (different language affiliation).
This suggests that mating isolation, rather than adaptive response to environmental change, accounts for spatially abrupt genetic change at the loci studied and that cultural differences associated with language contribute to isolating populations."

Are many of us limiting our ability to process language (and lowering our scores on Standard American IQ tests) by holding on to a dialect that may no longer be in our best interests? (i.e. - Using code words or phrases to protect against masters knowing what slaves were talking about.)
Is the inability to associate a word's spelling with the way many pronounce words a hindrance to a child's ability to read, write and learn?

Since studies show a correlation between illiteracy and the prison population (According to the Department of Justice - 67% of all in prison and 80% of violent criminals) - are we creating a new generation of felons by making it harder for children to learn to read and write phonetically?

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
(University of Pennsylvania Study)
The study is looking into the effects of poverty in it's relationship to low IQ and brain function. The study is also looking into the effects of stress, pollution and nutrition.
Since the poor tend to more often be obese due to poor diet - diabetes is more common.
A University of Alberta in Canada study is looking at the relationship between brain function and diabetes. The study noted that executive function (complex analytical thinking) and speed of processing were hurt by the presence of diabetes.

So, is poverty causing many to have lower IQs?
Or is a low IQ the reason many are in poverty?

Non- Conclusive
If the procedure for measuring IQ is culturally biased towards those more familiar with the WASP ideal - how do we (Blacks) best make the adjustments to prove a more accurate measurement?
Many would argue that exposure is the key.
Maybe two year olds should be watching CNN instead of BET.
Since more people of color are now reporting the news - maybe being able to use Standard American English won't be seen as "Talking White".

Many argue that schools are to blame.
But as the results of the Pay-For-Grades experiment have shown - a change in motivation was the key (not a change in schools or environment).

We've tried free lunch.
Then we added free breakfast.
Now we have free after-school tutoring.
And since education is the foundation of a better future - how do we best educate the masses?

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