Monday, January 19, 2009

Conservative Sissies

Conservatism is both the root of our country's stability and the cause of our country's stagnation.
Much of conservatism is rooted in ignorance which often shows itself as fear

When my mother divorced my step-father, my mother and we children had to move back to the 'hood.
My mother was worried about us being able to adapt to a hostile environment - so she said a prayer on our move-in day to ask for our safety.
My older sister took the isolationist approach - only going into the complex for brief moments.
But she was safe.

Since I was going to be blessed with safety, everything was opened to me.
I met and learned from many people who most others would run from, lock their doors or cross the street if approached by them.
So... were the facts that I was competent and confident in the ways of the street the reasons that I could afford to be more liberal in my relationships with these people?
Doesn't it require less courage to be fearful?
Doesn't it require a certain strength to have hope?

Many Conservatives call Liberals "emotional" and "ignorant".
But I ask; Isn't the emotion of an irrational fear the motivation behind your conservatism?
And isn't it ignorant to work in theories while having little understanding of other facets of our society?
So in prejudging everyone else - aren't you showing yourselves as emotional and ignorant?

So... I'll be a Liberal (yes capital "L") while you stay the scared Sissie little girl.

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