Monday, January 12, 2009

Blame Tony Robbins

Not Tony Robbins, but many like him.

From the late 1800's and The Church of Christ, Scientist
To L. Ron Hubbard and Dianetics and later Scientology
To Werner Ernhard and est (or EST).
To books like The Secret.
Many New Age thinkers have sought to a way to combine God and science.
As recent events with John Travolta's son have shown, the two don't mix.

I believe in medicine.
If I have a headache, give me an aspirin.
But even medicine has it's limits.

My youngest brother was (is) a Blood. Years ago, he was in a fight with a group of Crips.
He was in a coma and the doctors said that he wouldn't make it through the night.
I went home and prayed for him to either die that night or let him recover fully.
The next morning, my mom called me to tell me that he was still in a coma and that I shouldn't expect him to live another day.
I went to the hospital to check on him - he was still alive.

So in my faith - he would be fine.
Two weeks later, he awoke.
The doctors and my family warned me that he would be a vegetable for the rest of his life.
"Says who?", I asked.
The nurses said that it was "nice" that I could still have hope.
Only I didn't have hope, I knew.
As my brother progressed through each stage of his surprising (to them) recovery, the doctors and my family warned me of my brother's inabilities.
"No, he's fine", I would reply.
I hated them all.
I hated those weak and doubting people.
They were making him weak and doubtful.
He recovered fully and went back to the life that got him in that mess to begin with.

So when I read about Jet Travolta, I understand.
Sometimes faith matters more than knowledge.

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