Thursday, January 27, 2011


 From Robin Hood, to Jessie James, to Bonnie and Clyde, to John Gotti to today's street gangs - thugs have always been thought of as being somewhat 'cool'.
In high school this group usually garners a bit of respect (or fear) from the general student body.
Many thugs still manage to get many hot women.
Few would call this group 'Nerds'.
 But in adult life the thug can keep his status by becoming a rapper (or an even bigger thug - or both).
 The same cannot be said of those who take part in drama.
"Band Fag" or "Drama Nerd" are more commonly used than "Cool guy in the school band" to describe those who are more inclined to act or sing.
Guys in the school band or in drama usually get the homely girls (if they are so inclined).
 But in adult life these former geeks can become quite successful.
 But what of the popular sports star?
The jock always gets the girl.
In high school he may seem to have it all - but if he fails to progress in his field (or any other) he will be like Al Bundy sitting on his couch with his hands down his pants telling stories about his past glory days.
 But the cool jock can become the cool professional as well.
 The biggest leap in status is usually accomplished by the Nerd.
The Nerd never gets the girl.
Nerds are smart enough to change what is considered to be cool to fit their own accomplishments.
-High School Thug to Successful Rapper = Ostentatious and Classless
-High School Artistic Type to Movie Star = Vapid
-High School Jock to Highly Paid Jock = Dumb Jock
-High School Nerd to Rich Nerd = Rulers of the World
Nerds diminish the accomplishments of those from other fields because they wish to put all those cool guys back in their place.
Nerds elevate themselves because they finally want their chance to get the girl.

(Now don't think I'm hating on smart people. Being smart is one of the few traits I respect. But being smart without being able to do anything with it is a waste. Being smart without being good in something else is boring.)

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