Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Free Will Requires "Faith"

The limited options of Fight or Flight are said to be instinctive under stressful conditions - to resist these impulses could be said to be counter intuitive. But this thinking is wrongheaded.
'Intuition' could thought of as that little voice that weighs other options.
But who listens to this voice - only the crazy man?
If Kimbo Slice rolled up on you looking as though he was ready to knock your ass out - what would be your options?
That would depend on your own competence in any number of given skills or talents.
If one is fearful and frail - running may be the best choice.
If one can tell jokes, has a likable personality and/or a great deal of charisma - he may try to negotiate with the man.
If one is just as baad or more skilled at street fighting - he may just choose to stand toe-to-toe.

"Intuition" looks for the best choice.
Based on ones level of skill in each of these given choices, a man has more time to think about which option is best suited for this situation.
If a man is more skilled, better prepared and/or in a more beneficial position than Mr. Slice - he can take his time in a defensive stance and deflect before deciding whether or not to knock Kimbo out.
His first reaction would not necessarily be to land the first punch but to check to see if Mr. Slice was really a threat to him or to the guy standing next to him who happened to sleep with Mr. Slice's girlfriend the night before.

So why do I say that 'faith' is required to listen to intuition?
Because it doesn't make sense to think before one acts. (At least not in today's world.)
Today, we are taught that everyone is the enemy and that everyone wants what we see as our own.
We are taught that we should strike first without thinking about whether someone else is, in fact, seeking to do us harm.
Many of us are so dependent and unskilled/unlearned that we see any mishap as being somebody else's fault.
Most of us don't even believe in ourselves.

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