Sunday, December 21, 2008


So the California courts have ruled that it's unlawful to assist someone who is in danger.,0,6547898.story
I can just see this now on mid-morning television advertisements.
Did someone pull you from a burning car? Administer the Heimlich maneuver? Prevent you from being mugged or raped? You may be able to collect damages... just dial 1-800-285-7448 to speak to our attorneys.

I've helped three people out of their cars after an accident in my lifetime.
One woman still has my jacket - (the second incident - she was drunk).
One guy was cool -( the third incident - his car was on fire and I had a foam extinguisher in my truck - he needed minimal assistance)
And one pregnant woman accused my friend Robbie and me of stealing money from her purse. (the first incident - the "B" bled all over the truck on the way to the hospital).
So not only does one risk people being ungrateful.
They can now be sued!

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