Saturday, December 13, 2008

Is Obama A Modern Day Moses ?

Obama is not Black like me?
Why not?

"He hasn't experienced the same struggle or history that I have".

Moses was raised by the established dominant culture of his time.
He learned the ways of thinking and acting of this foreign culture.
For a time, he even thought that he was a member of this culture.
But things changed when he learned the truth about his ancestry.
He was one of the oppressed.

The oppressed would have none of it.
He didn't have to be a slave like them.
He couldn't understand their struggle. (But they could never truly understand his.)

After some legal troubles, Moses had to skip town.
Moses married a sista' named Tzipora from Ethiopia.
The headlines of the time were shocked that Moses would marry a daughter of Ham and not one of the daughters of Shem. But the press (Bible) noted her beauty (Num. 12:1)
( )

Moses berated his brethren for their materialistic ways and their lack of discipline and gave them a law (from God) to live by.
In the end, Moses lead his people from bondage.

But Moses wasn't really one of them because he hadn't gone through the same struggles as them?
I know, I know.... America wants the rags to riches story.
America wants all Blacks to be from the hood.

But I'd prefer it the other way.
I wish that no one knew what the hood was like.
I wish that Slavery, poverty, oppression, racism, hate and jealousy were just things that we occasionally read about in history books.
I'd prefer that no one could relate to my hard times.
(When my great aunts and uncles tell me about picking cotton to buy school clothes, I can't relate. When they tell stories about the back of the bus or separate drinking fountains, I can't relate.
It's called progress.)
Why do we always have to be ghetto to be truly Black?

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