Sunday, October 31, 2010

Beggin' Pagans

 I love Halloween.
No, not because I'm into Santeria, Voodoo or (intentionally) Paganism - I just like to give out the "Big Candy" to kids.
I like to play tricks on my little cousins to scare them.
As a kid, we always knew the 'good house'.
Mine was not one, my parents gave out those little fun size candies.
I know my Halloween practices scream 'classism' - but too bad.
I live in a fairly good neighborhood.
Most houses are built and inherited while few are bought and sold.
Most neighbors give out bags of candy - not just handfuls of nasty candy corn, Dum-Dums, Tootsie Rolls or Mary Janes.

I give out three classes of bags;
Neighborhood Kids - 2 large candy bars and/or bags of Skittles, 6 fun size bars and 6 small (Nerds, Skittles and/or Starburst)
Kids I Know - 4 large candy bars and/or bags of Skittles, 10 fun size bars and 10 small
Adults and 'The Caravan' (Kids from other neighborhoods who travel across town to Trick-or-Treat in our neighborhood) - 1 large candy bar and six small.
Is this classist? Sure.
Is it fair? Yep, everyone gets more than they expected so they leave happy.

But how can I tell the difference?
Kids from my neighborhood are all Black and come out early.
Kids from other neighborhoods come later and are from all races.
Times must be hard.
When I was a kid, we thought we had to stay in the "White Neighborhood" to get the best candy.
Now, I have just as many white kids walking my all Black neighborhood as I do Blacks or Asians or Hispanics.

This year I had twenty-three adults show up at the crib begging for candy.
(After 12 - it's not Trick-or-Treating, it's begging.)
I'm not talking about high school kids making a late run to scoop up the leftovers - I'm talking about thirty, forty and fifty years olds holding out WalMart bags begging for candy.

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