Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Sloppy View

Working clubs - one knows that looks play a big part in ones job.
The more women find you to be attractive - the more women will frequent your club.
I've been hit on and propositioned more times than I can remember.
Some girls get so drunk that they feel free to grab ones crotch, rub ones chest or arms, or pat a guy on the butt.
But this is not seen as assault - this is seen as being part of the job.

Once while shopping at a local upscale (for the area) store with my homeboy - I had a sales woman chase me up a flight of stairs just so she could rub my quads.
While unexpected - I didn't view this as being harassed.
Are the rules different for men and women?

Today on The View (Yeah... I know. But it's just that it's one of the shows the old ladies I check on watch. Either The View or The Young and the Restless.) - the ladies debated whether or not the Jets' players had harassed (Mexican network) TV Azteca reporter Ines Sainz.
Is "The Slop" (Sherri Shepherd) really qualified to discuss sexual harassment?
Isn't this the same beast who rubbed L.L.Cool J as though she were hoping for a genie to pop out?  
I know there are limits to what is acceptable behavior in society - but Ms Shepherd cannot speak on this subject.
Her comments and actions towards the men she finds attractive are in no way any worse than what members of the Jets could have said or done to Ms Sainz.
(But I guess things are different when a beastly woman sexually assaults a man.)

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