Friday, May 6, 2011

Common Fears of Plastic Surgery

Here are some of the more common concerns associated with Plastic Surgery, and find out how you can be sure to make the right decision when it comes to your procedure.

Potential Risks.
There are potential risks and complications associated with any surgical procedure.  The risks do vary depending on what procedure you are interested in, your state of health, the facility in which it is to be performed, the anesthesia provider, and how well you follow your surgeon’s instructions. 

It’s very important to do research on your plastic surgeon making certain he/she is Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.  If you are in hands you can trust, the chances of any serious complications are extremely small.

Botched Jobs.
No one wants to spend the money and energy on a procedure that will leave them looking less attractive than before.  Choosing a plastic surgery provider because he/she offered the lowest price, or because they had the best ad will increase your risk of ending up unhappy, or even unsafe.  Some unethical providers distract consumers from the fact that they are not Board Certified and their lack of experience by employing deceitful ads, special promotions and discounts.

Educating yourself on the potential risks associated with your surgery as well as your surgeon’s education and training is key to staying safe and achieving the outcome you want.

Don’t fall prey to a promising sales pitch, inviting marketing materials, or a bargain that you just can’t seem to pass up. What matters most is that your plastic surgeon can provide you with the best outcome while keeping your safety on the top of his priority list.

Looking “Plastic”.
Another common concern is having fake and unnatural results.  No one wants to look like the cartoon-ish Catwoman.  This is understandable, and your surgeon shouldn’t want that for you either.  As long as you have realistic expectations and you choose a highly skilled Board Certified plastic surgeon, your results should be natural and inconspicuous.  After all, the goal should be to keep those around you wondering how you manage to look so fabulous, not wondering how many procedures you’ve had.

Going Under.
The idea of being unconscious during surgery is a scary thought for some.  The American Society of Anesthesiology published some helpful statistics that might just calm your fears.  When considering all patients, regardless of health condition that undergo general anesthesia for a surgical procedure the risk of dying is .0004% (This means you have a greater risk of being struck by lightning).  This risk is even less for a healthy patient undergoing plastic surgery with a Board Certified Anesthesiologist.  It should also be noted that the vast majority of providers who will offer to do your surgery under local anesthesia (awake plastic surgery) are NOT plastic surgeons, and are doing so because they do not have permission to do such procedures in accredited facilities. Furthermore, the number of women who have died undergoing these procedures under local far exceeds the complication rate of patients having surgery by surgeons certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery.

If you are considering cosmetic surgery, but have some questions or concerns, please call Aesthetic Enhancements Plastic Surgery for a consultation with Orlando Plastic Surgeon Dr. Armando Soto.  Dr. Soto is Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and received his medical degree at the prestigious Johns Hopkins University with an extra year of fellowship training specializing in breast surgery.  You can be sure to feel safe in the hands of his hand selected Board Certified Anesthesiologists at our state of the art certified operating room. Call today for your complimentary consultation with Dr. Soto– 407.218.4550.

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