Monday, June 27, 2011


designed by maddison graphic in the united kingdom

“this stationery designed for writer and journalist zoe williams was foil blocked in gloss black on to a mixture of colorplan and fenner papers. the ‘Z W’ logo is constructed from punctuation marks.”

via lovely stationery

these stylish bottles with with their playful font, bright colors, and skinny wire handles can be found on dutch by design.

via design crush

shirah wine’s official debut wine, power to the people, is a culmination of our efforts to bring never-before-experienced quality in a kosher wine of this kind. this wine features a blend of syrah from two of the most critically-acclaimed vineyards in santa babara county - thompson vineyard in alisos canyon and mcginley vineyard in happy canyon. currently available for pre-order registration.

Ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls. The sun has arrived!

This type of news often brings large amounts of joy to the majority of mankind. Especially those that reside in the British isles and only see the sun roughly four times a year. Sunshine over here in the Great British Islands causes a wave of reactions.

1. People are given the liberty to wear items of clothing that allows them to reveal some skin; shorts, skirts, bikinis, nothing. This is good for perverts who want to see girls scantly clad but it isn’t so good for everyone who does not want to see that mans moobs.

2. Those with some money get to show off that convertible they spent a gazillion pounds and red rubies on. Which is nice for them considering that the only time they get to have the roof down is this time of the year.

3.  The population at the beach goes up from just people who walk their dogs to over ten thousand different people.

4.Everyone wants to spend every waking moment (and every sleeping moment sometimes) outdoors in order to attempt to go from being as pale as snow to a crisp bronze colour. Often this can result in snow-white to lobster red but people are always misguided and willing to try no matter what the consequences.

5. People suddenly think bicycles are an acceptable form of transport.

6. Every other status on facebook is something like “Wow! This weather is wonderful! What glorious sun!” or “LOL. Went out today to the beach with Sarah Myles and Judy Gording. We all 4got to put suncream on. Totally burnt now! lol xx”

7. There is some sort of expectation that as a human being you are meant to really love the sun. You are more or less expected to partake in at least one of the points listed above. At the very least you need to go outside once a day. If you chose to stay inside when it is sunny then you are a complete and utter fool. In fact are you even human?

The problem being that although I do like it to be sunny as apposed to cold, windy and shitting it down with rain. I’m not a sun worshiper. My mother finds this particularly hard to deal with. She is constantly bugging me to go outside and enjoy the sunshine. Well rather she did. Now when I claim I like the sun because I don’t spend every single waking moment outside she dismisses my claim.
“No you don’t Emma you are always inside.”
 That isn’t the point but never mind. I just like it to be sunny but I’m quite happy for it to be sunny and for me to be inside.

(Originally posted on

Banksy — ‘TOX’ by Hookedblog on Flickr.

Ideas for stuff to do over the summer? Maybe you should visit Monkey world in Wareham, Dorset, UK!

However, if you aren’t a fan of monkeys, perhaps you are a giant kid inside like myself! In that case, you would thoroughly appreciate the most awesome giant playground EVER! That’s definitely worth hanging around in with a few friends!

I went there for a University trip a few years ago, which I have slightly forgotten the purpose of now, as I studied Computer Animation, which isn’t quite animal related whatsoever! Anyway, the monkeys were great! Well, at least I thought they were, It was November and some of them looked pretty cold and had blankets on their heads (as above) and I didn’t know whether to gush or feel sorry for them. 

I really appreciate animal-involved activities like going to the Zoo, visiting Bird Parks and what not, so if you like that too definitely go have a gander!

I totally didn’t just shove one vote for each category down the throat of the ballot after clicking all of the Doctor Who related items. Nope. Not at all. Though I had to pick Tennant over Smith. Sorry, Smith…

I spy with my London Eye…

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