Monday, June 27, 2011

this is insane!

(Or rather soon-to-be ex-classmates…)

So, why are you excited to spend your vacations on the U.S.?

Classmates: I can’t wait for the theme parks! Oh, and this Water Park, and Walt Disney World, and the rollercoasters and buy this and that clothing and arrgh! It’ll be awesome! 8D

Me: My family there lives conveniently in access to several bookstores, and there are several museums I want to visit or re-visit! History! Also, there’s this book I want to get and this animation film that isn’t being sold ATM in my place, and those videogames at a decent price… I also can’t wait to be able to wear coats and the like on a bit cool weather :’D

…really. I was looking through the list of unvisited museums from last year that I missed and I just got ecstatic. Ffff. I can’t wait to be a Gru in Halloween, either.

…I’m not saying it’s “bad” what my classmates aspire to (I would personally love to go to Walt Disney World someday, I’m just not overexcited yet ^^; ) but oh boy… well, I guess that the clothing factor detracts me a bit, so yay?

If anybody of you lives in Virginia or Columbia or Maryland or the like, please tell me so I can give in an attempt to bug you :3 hah!


Steve Jobs and Bill Gates artificially inseminated an unknowing woman in 2028. With a combination of each other’s sperm. Yes, you read that right. That child eventually became President and the blood line continues to run America in my time. By the way we aren’t the “United States of America” anymore. We are now, “United International 1”. Get used to that.

this is insane!

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