Monday, November 30, 2009


It amazes me to think that anyone would dream of being a dope boy.
Even for those from the hood - this is the last best option.
Ask any kid in dire surroundings what they'd like to be when they grow up - very few will say, "A Drug Dealer".
Most dealers don't choose such an occupation - it usually lands on them.
They are usually the best at managing the various responsibilities associated with the trade in which others may need assistance.
Since many from the hood are surrounded by the trade - one's involvement may start out as something as simple as advising a childhood friend.
Most children want the money, the reputation, the cars and the women - but these can all be obtained by other means.
(Why do you think many dealers try to become entertainers?)
The odd thing is - only effete, suburban, sheltered, wannabees fantasize about the drug lifestyle.
These are usually men who failed to acquire any form of street cred while growing up.
These are usually those who talk about violence - but if it came down to it, their guns would only slow them down on their sprint away from trouble.
Their "Hero" is the image of the successful drug dealer (But few understand the realities of such a career choice.).

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