Wednesday, November 25, 2009

So I've Been Told

Matthew 6:33 "Which of you by thought can add one cubit unto his stature."
It is thought by some that by improving their looks, life would be peachy.
The world is filled with people who spend thousands of dollars on: boob jobs, liposuction, hair extensions, colored contacts, tanning products, and Botox.
But are these people any better off after their transformations?

Sure, these people look better - but are they better?
Are their new looks any true indication of their overall health?
Are fake unhealthy (but "good looking:) people any more (or less) desirable than average healthy people?
Do these fake people still know that they are selling a product that doesn't really exist for them?
Is this (conscious or subconscious) insecurity detectable on a deeper level by those which these people wish to attract?
In reality, who even wants someone who is this fixated on looks which they don't even genetically possess?

If being good looking and shallow are not the keys to happiness - what are?

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