Thursday, June 16, 2011


8443 with helper in snow on Flickr.

Pulling through Berea, Ohio 2007.

Seattle Sunset

Photo Courtesy: David Gn Photography

Learn the Difference!

and to think we got so far; its a real shame.

i’m done arguing with biased, close-minded people on tumblr, stupidity gives me headaches. 

The united states of America !

Great Dane at the beach by gr8dnes on Flickr.

Great Dane and the Beach! LOVE IT!

A lone tree in rural Wisconsin

Photo Courtesy: Loren Zemlicka

This is a short video report done by Casey Neistat. In a city like New York, getting around on your bike is convenient and usually pretty safe. Considering there’s bike lanes all over the place, it’s much easier than having to take your car and always having to find a parking spot. Apparently, Casey receives a ticket by a police officer for not riding in the bike lane properly. So he takes it upon himself to document how motorists, cab drivers, large trucks and police officers often times park right in them. He documents himself riding in the bike lanes and proves his point, in a hilarious way to boot. 

- Casey Neistat website

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