Monday, June 6, 2011

Smart Lipo, Not So Smart...

With the many techniques for liposuction available today, it’s easy to get confused and wonder which one is really the best?  The most important thing to take into consideration is that the instrument used is only going to be as effective and safe as the skills and expertise of the hands behind it – so research and choose your Plastic Surgeon wisely!  Your Plastic Surgeon should be an experienced Board Certified Plastic Surgeon whom you can trust will offer only the procedures that are in your best interest. 

Smart Lipo is one of the more popular laser liposuction procedures as a result of all the hype in the media. However, it’s safety and effectiveness are still more than questionable. Could it be that many unethical providers are marketing this device and all of it’s wonder to distract from the lack of their own background and education? 

Smart Lipo uses a laser light during liposuction to help aid in the removal of your fat.  Ads falsely claim that it is less invasive than other methods of liposuction and provides a faster recovery time.  The truth is, you must undergo surgery with ALL methods liposuction - there is no way around it regardless of the device being used.

The difference between each method depends on the process in which the fat is eliminated prior to removal. The laser, in the case of Smart Lipo, is considered dangerous when not in the hands of a skilled surgeon and even then the risks can be high.  Lasers tend to burn any substance in its path - which can mean fat, but also skin tissue, muscles, and blood vessels, etc.  For this reason, it is imperative to choose a board certified plastic surgeon that is highly trained and skilled in Liposuction.

Here at Aesthetic Enhancements Plastic Surgery, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Armando Soto offers only the most safe and effective methods of both traditional and Vaser Liposuction.  Dr. Soto believes the Vaser Lipo represents the safest and most effective means of body contour improvement available today.  Instead of laser light, Vaser uses an ultrasonic energy to emulsify fat - which is less disruptive to other tissues, making your recovery time much faster, plus fat removal is greatly improved. 

For more information on the different methods of Liposuction and to see if Vaser is right for you, call Aesthetic Enhancements Plastic Surgery today for your complimentary consultation with Dr. Armando Soto - 407.218.4550.

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