Thursday, June 16, 2011

Stream at Fountains Abbey

Aston University building in Birmingham

As leaders debate ways to reform healthcare, politicians repeatedly tell a worried public that Britain will not turn the National Health Service into an ‘American-style’ private system.


Britain is now embroiled in a healthcare argument of its own, prompted by a proposed shake-up of the NHS. And the phrase on everyone’s lips is “American-style,” which may not be as catchy as the “death panels” that Palin attributed to socialized medicine but which, over here, inspires pretty much the same kind of terror.

Ask a Briton to describe “American-style” healthcare, and you’ll hear a catalog of horrors that include grossly expensive and unnecessary medical procedures and a privatized system that favors the rich.


Thank you for following this blog! 

Let’s see… Hull is definitely in the UK, almost definitely in England, and… maybe northern England? Yeah, I’m doing this to test and/or expand my Geography knowledge; I’m sure you’d do it, too.

Keep letting us know where you study Geography!

Faerie Glen, Scotland

This is England (movie)

Stream at Fountains Abbey


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