Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wonder Drug

I'm as patriotic as the next guy.
Even with all it's flaws - I'm happy to live in America.
The American Ideal was(is) a great concept, it's only problem being it's misuse.
America has always had it's problems - "Why?" one might ask.
America failed to deliver on it's promises of equality and justice for all.
The American Ideal was reserved only for those within the dominant culture (whatever that was at any given time) and only extended when a subordinate culture gained enough desirable traits to make it's inclusion a viable option.

America only succeeds when she is acting in a morally responsible manner.
The American Revolution, American Civil War, WWI and WWII - just wars, protecting weaker nations from a stronger more ambitious empire building enemy.
Vietnam, Korea, Granada, Iraq, - blatant grabs for power.
America often misuses it's healing powers as a cure-all for every malady for every situation.
But this usage can have unwanted side effects.

This is similar to using Aspirin to cure stomach ulcers, macular degeneration, or thinning blood.
The "Wonder Drug" (American Way) does not, in fact, cure all ailments.
Sometimes the "cure" is worse than the initial condition.
Sometimes the "cure" creates more long term problems than it solves.

Like aspirin - The American Way is a great asset to humanity.
But when overused in inappropriate situations - maybe it's best left on the shelf.

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